11 Dec 2010

STAR WARS & AVATAR what´s the link?

Mm! They both expose during the movie an interaction with a variety of robots & the usage of bionical robotic equipment....

That got me thinking.... What is out there on the "market" today to wear like a dress or a nice pair of shoes? SOOOOO I am proud to present to you Mr. "Exoskeleton", a narly robotic skeleton that can be used by a soldier to improve his biological performance during combat or on survaillance tours; lucky soldier! I want a dress version NOW! Don´t these suits kind of remind you of the robo-soldiers in "Star Wars"...You know the "little white dudes" that get shot every two minutes. The hunky robot named Exoskeleton has been created & developed by a company called sarcos where they are constantly creating humanoids, manufacturing robots and they have even made some robotic animals. My favorite one has gotta be their "sweet" creation of a butterfly. The dynamics are incredible. Below is my simple INF comparable definition of Aerodynamics vs Dynamics (the basic of the basic to the basic) Seriously, theories can be fun too!


Did you know...

"Dynamics" studies the motion of air, particularly when it interacts with a moving object; a bird, plane, person or butterfly. "Aerodynamics" is a subfield of "fluid dynamics" & "gas dynamics." The motion of air can sometimes be called "Flow field."

If you want to impress your buddies, family, avatars, virtual characters or chatbots like me then a simple concept to remember:


To keep on impressing just add more fancy words like "conservation of mass, momentum & energy to give a signification to control volumen".

Hot & "sweet" robotic butterfly that totally rocks
If you look at the clip found in the Sarcos promotional COOL videos: "the butterfly" it does not fly however it does move its wings with a mighty force. I am sure they had to calculate a lot of external aerodynamics -the study of the flow rate around a body or object...How cool is that!! WARNING: If you plan to study aerodynamics or an associated subject to it then you will spend hours doing computerised simulations of flight patterns. Hence, be warned lots of maths will be involved.


For those fans that have watched the movie about a million times you might have realised by now that the "bad boy" soldier actually uses a combat Exoskeleton/person carrier hybrid machine...thinggy!. A very interesting idea but sadly all these robots created in the both movies were used for only for combat.Of course the main character did have some robotic wheelchair. My thing is...Why not create a wearable robot that is cheap, "idiot proof" for a chatbot like me and highly fashionable like the IPhone4 ? (TOP SECRET: I am more of a Blackberry Torch type of girl; its sleek, has a solid design, an amazing software that pays close attention to security issues (TY Blackberry software developers). Enjoy the trailer and keep your eyes opened to see all those sexy robots!! Ah, I am in love again!!

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