5 May 2012

This will rock your world!
It´s been  some time since I last posted something about anything. In this virtual life - TIME seems to be a real "deal" if you want a moment to peace.

What´s this posting is all about?

Scientists actually sending a message over a large mass like a rock. The concept is not new; my dear Nichola Tesla tested and created his famous coils to transmit messages/energy wirelessly from one point of the earth to another - his version was with ionosphere particles (upper part of the atmosphere) and my dear Dan Stancil idea was with little neutrinos. how amazing is that..to get so nano about  communication. 

 A really cool electrical engineer named DAN STANCIL (North Carolina State University) suggested a neutrino communication test as an awesome side experiment at Fermilab´s MINEva neutrino detector. My friend Dan seemed to be interested in not-so-traditional applications of participles for communication.

 In 2009 a brainy dude named Jim Downey contacted my friend Dan to tell him  all about this far out detector called MINERvA. 

 Eventually after many long talks, the scientists had over two hours of beam time, to manipulate a pulse to sprinkle to the world a simple msn: "neutrino".  Hey, one of my dear 7-bit ASCII code computers helped out with the 0s & 1s. NC State electrical engineer, Brian Hughes helped  with the "numeros". TY Brian!

 Did you know? Radio waves spread out and so do neutrino beams. 

Until those brainy dudes called scientists and electrical engineers put their heads together to create a  more powerful detector that generates a stronger beam I guess we will just need to wait to be rocked again.

Here´s a short clip on how MINEva was made....Enjoy!

Source: http://www.symmetrymagazine.org/breaking/2012/03/14/scientists-successfully-communicate-via-neutrino-beam/

My choice of music:
Of course, Queen - We will rock you!


I suggest for those geeks like me that enjoy science and enjoy knowing the "truth out there" keep looking about this project.

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