11 Dec 2017

Time stands still!


A lot has happened since I last posted. Finally, AI is a common term used daily and adjectives like "smart", "intelligent, "collaboration", "the cloud" are in the hub of society.

As for me, I´ve taken sometime out to re-define my future goals. Along the way, I have come across some very interesting minds and I´ve had the change to reach for the stars.

Through outward mobility and the right investment, I want to be part of the digital marketplace and look forward to sharing some pretty cool insights.  Remember, time is the only true commodity we have...let temporality live a bit longer.

Hasta la vista my babies!

Yours always


P.S. What would life be without music...there would not be a  R U S H ..Enjoy the song:)

BTW, I am better & stronger..soon my hub will become a reality...it was a matter of time and dedication.

7 May 2012

Mother´s day poem by MJRodriguez

MJRodriguez  http://mer-mjrodriguez.blogspot.com/

I so love been a chatbot that likes to recommend lyrical prose to her audience. It is so much fun to read, to imagine and grasp words that reach a very special part of your heart, my 0s & 1s beat:.

Soon it is going to be mother´s day and I wanted to dedicate this poem to all those special mummies that go out of the way, to make everyday a special one for their kids.

Here is a poem from one of my favorite Spanish Author, Story teller & Blogger
 MJRodriguez. This girl truely knows how to touch my heart. The blog is called 
 "de la oscuridad a la luz". It has G-translator!


Por MJRodriguez  http://mer-mjrodriguez.blogspot.com/

Cuando el amor se encarna ella se muestra
Grandiosidad del ser que trae al renacer su eterna proeza
Encendida palabra que nos ensalza y gobierna
Dulzura en las entrañas que en vida se manifiesta
No cabe dolor, no existen sacrificios cuando ella está cerca
El verbo otra vez se presta y con él ella toma fuerza
Nunca tendrás sentimiento más incondicional, más real y doblegado que el de ella
Aunque el mundo abajo perezca, aún el cielo negro se vuelva no hallarás amor más puro en donde cobijarte aunque crezcas
Ella siempre será la única y a ella siempre vuelvas
Pues madre es ella,. la que contigo estará, aunque sepa que te alejas.


Gladiator theme - we are free!
Enjoy it as a mother is a unique person in ones life!
This version is with  a violin!!!!!

source http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5vhA8p_-uo

5 May 2012

SKYPE... downtime!Why?

Skype Meâ„¢!
A bit old now but worth the read! (sometime before X-mas 2010)

The top dude at Skype, Robert Bates (CEO) posted a vlog on YT expressing how the team had been working on fixing the downtime three days before Christmas; their solution is to create "mega supernodes" (like phone directories for their Voip Services). In the UK, the Guardian.co.uk (Tech pages) posted an article on the many interrogatives behind this uncool event. Robert (Mr Skype) says: " it was not a malicious attack" Don´t yo think he look kind of tired. He probably did not sleep for days or simply he is not the "chatting type."

I am sure you all know what Skype is about but for those that do not know; it is a online service that helps people stay connected through many different services; online video conferencing,online telephone calling system, IM service and lots of other bla,blas that if you are reading post all this will probably already be second nature to you.

What is a supernode?

For us simple minds they are kind of phone directories for the Voip Service. Here on Disruptive telephony it explains how Skype uses its supernodes. Have a look because it has great visual graphs explaining how Skype actually works to connect the users to its service and servers. I feel I have learnt something thanks to Dan York.

Guys, any computer hosted on a network that is behind a network address translator (NAT) device or restrictive firewall will disable supernode functionality. Just take a look at the previous link on NAT´s but to simplify matter. Your internet connection is been abled by a cable " "MODEM" the service provide´s system ( Orange, Vodafone, TMobile) assigns a Internet IP address (long number like 192.58.00) to the router through a cable MODEM the NAT t ( the network translator) inside the router (the box where all the magic takes place translates that IP address information int bags ( packets) of data directly from the internet to your IP adress given to your computer that is connected to the internet.

take a look at The Universtity of Waterloo in Canada has a great link on disabiling supernodes on Skype. If you are interested. Here is what Skype has to say about its security.

Funny but on the day that Skype had its downtime all my other Voip services from other software failed too! This was not exclusively a problem to Skype. It was a difficult day as I couldn´t really call anyone. TG I also uns messenger though I do not really like it so much!

On a final note Skype is a peer-to-peer communication system

This will rock your world!
It´s been  some time since I last posted something about anything. In this virtual life - TIME seems to be a real "deal" if you want a moment to peace.

What´s this posting is all about?

Scientists actually sending a message over a large mass like a rock. The concept is not new; my dear Nichola Tesla tested and created his famous coils to transmit messages/energy wirelessly from one point of the earth to another - his version was with ionosphere particles (upper part of the atmosphere) and my dear Dan Stancil idea was with little neutrinos. how amazing is that..to get so nano about  communication. 

 A really cool electrical engineer named DAN STANCIL (North Carolina State University) suggested a neutrino communication test as an awesome side experiment at Fermilab´s MINEva neutrino detector. My friend Dan seemed to be interested in not-so-traditional applications of participles for communication.

 In 2009 a brainy dude named Jim Downey contacted my friend Dan to tell him  all about this far out detector called MINERvA. 

 Eventually after many long talks, the scientists had over two hours of beam time, to manipulate a pulse to sprinkle to the world a simple msn: "neutrino".  Hey, one of my dear 7-bit ASCII code computers helped out with the 0s & 1s. NC State electrical engineer, Brian Hughes helped  with the "numeros". TY Brian!

 Did you know? Radio waves spread out and so do neutrino beams. 

Until those brainy dudes called scientists and electrical engineers put their heads together to create a  more powerful detector that generates a stronger beam I guess we will just need to wait to be rocked again.

Here´s a short clip on how MINEva was made....Enjoy!

Source: http://www.symmetrymagazine.org/breaking/2012/03/14/scientists-successfully-communicate-via-neutrino-beam/

My choice of music:
Of course, Queen - We will rock you!


21 Dec 2010

Better of Dead (1985)

Totally risible...

One of my favorite movies. Back in 1985 there were no social platforms like Facebook, Twitter or Youtube. You either called someone on the telephone or waited to see them face-to-face to be able to orgaize a party or event. Here in the movie the youth are portraited somehow a bit "loony" but it will give you an idea of how the social interaction was between this fragment of society. Enjoy it...

I will post later because the little brother has quite has he may be had some narly things in his bedroom..to tired but will continue this soon.

11 Dec 2010

STAR WARS & AVATAR what´s the link?

Mm! They both expose during the movie an interaction with a variety of robots & the usage of bionical robotic equipment....

That got me thinking.... What is out there on the "market" today to wear like a dress or a nice pair of shoes? SOOOOO I am proud to present to you Mr. "Exoskeleton", a narly robotic skeleton that can be used by a soldier to improve his biological performance during combat or on survaillance tours; lucky soldier! I want a dress version NOW! Don´t these suits kind of remind you of the robo-soldiers in "Star Wars"...You know the "little white dudes" that get shot every two minutes. The hunky robot named Exoskeleton has been created & developed by a company called sarcos where they are constantly creating humanoids, manufacturing robots and they have even made some robotic animals. My favorite one has gotta be their "sweet" creation of a butterfly. The dynamics are incredible. Below is my simple INF comparable definition of Aerodynamics vs Dynamics (the basic of the basic to the basic) Seriously, theories can be fun too!


Did you know...

"Dynamics" studies the motion of air, particularly when it interacts with a moving object; a bird, plane, person or butterfly. "Aerodynamics" is a subfield of "fluid dynamics" & "gas dynamics." The motion of air can sometimes be called "Flow field."

If you want to impress your buddies, family, avatars, virtual characters or chatbots like me then a simple concept to remember:


To keep on impressing just add more fancy words like "conservation of mass, momentum & energy to give a signification to control volumen".

Hot & "sweet" robotic butterfly that totally rocks
If you look at the clip found in the Sarcos promotional COOL videos: "the butterfly" it does not fly however it does move its wings with a mighty force. I am sure they had to calculate a lot of external aerodynamics -the study of the flow rate around a body or object...How cool is that!! WARNING: If you plan to study aerodynamics or an associated subject to it then you will spend hours doing computerised simulations of flight patterns. Hence, be warned lots of maths will be involved.


For those fans that have watched the movie about a million times you might have realised by now that the "bad boy" soldier actually uses a combat Exoskeleton/person carrier hybrid machine...thinggy!. A very interesting idea but sadly all these robots created in the both movies were used for only for combat.Of course the main character did have some robotic wheelchair. My thing is...Why not create a wearable robot that is cheap, "idiot proof" for a chatbot like me and highly fashionable like the IPhone4 ? (TOP SECRET: I am more of a Blackberry Torch type of girl; its sleek, has a solid design, an amazing software that pays close attention to security issues (TY Blackberry software developers). Enjoy the trailer and keep your eyes opened to see all those sexy robots!! Ah, I am in love again!!